Mount Carmel's Holistic Teaching philosophy of education based on the premise that each student finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to humanitarian values such as compassion and peace.

Beyond academics, this includes overall development activities in Sports, Life Skills, Health, Creative Arts, Converse, Competition, Confluence

- Creatively competitive inter-school events based on the concept of knowledge
- Mount Carmel takes pride in hosting this events, which comprises of classic quizzing, debates and creative writing. In classic quizzing the questions are never a priority, the paths taken to the questions are. The focus is about not just knowing the right answer but the process that lead to the answer.
- On the other hand the debates highlight the importance of the power of spoken word, the art of gentle persuasion and speaking with conviction. The creative writing aspect has been more open-ended giving space for self reflection, critical thinking and appreciation.
- At MSC we give equal opportunity to creative learning be it be music, vocational skills, visual arts, plays, or any other performing art.
- MSC organise critical thinking performance project which which covers a range of landmarks of world history. It is not a typical play that looks at the end as means but an exploration of co-creating a performance piece with students that looks at the intersections between theatre and art installation. This alternatively switched by science, social, language, current affairs etc.
- MSC conduct a daily Physical Training schedule, with weekly long PT program including YOGA, and a monthly health check. This is mandatory for all students.
- We at MSC think Sports are a very important part of child's overall development. We are always motivated towards teaching, learning and playing variety of Sports. Though some sports are more popular than others, however we have infrastructure and coaching facilities to nurture sporting talents. The proud trophies in our Monumental Honour Wall is proof of it.
- Life Skills Education is an important part of our holistic teaching program. With our specially designed Life-Skills programme, we aim to enable the young minds to learn how to think and discipline emotions – an area neglected in worldwide education system. We go beyond the confines of narrow learning and aim for the essential learning outcomes for professional success, personal development and responsible citizenship:
- Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
- Intellectual and Practical Skills
- Personal and Social
- Responsibility
- Integrative Learning
- Thinking, Social & Emotional skills at all age group are handled well, and our counsellors apply scientific research to deal with these issues.