- Admissions to all the classes are ordinarily made in December and January for the academic year starting in April.
- Admissions are made on the basis of merit.
- Students coming from other schools should produce: –
- The leaving/transfer certificate from the school last attended / bonafide certificate.
- The progress report of his/her academic performance and co-scholastics in that school.
- The original birth certificate & a copy of the same.
- A calendar month’s notice in writing should be given by the parents before withdrawing a student from the school. Failure to do so will entail paying fees for the entire term.
- Students coming from other schools should produce: –
- Students leaving school after December will pay fees for January, February and March also.
All dues to the school should be paid before applying for transfer certificate.
The transfer and other school certificates will be applied for in writing, one week in advance.
The Principal can at any time in the interest of the school have a student removed, if in the Principal's sole discretion, the student or his/her parents/guardian fail to abide by the rules and regulations and in case there is lack of co-operation on the part of the parent in maintaining discipline of the school and his/her continued presence is detrimental to the interest of the other students.

- The School academic year has two
terms, April to Sep. and Oct. to March. There will be a Summative
Assessment for classes VI to VIII at the end of each term. Besides these
there will be two Unit tests in each subject as part of the two Formative
assessments, in each term. However there will be no such Summative
Assessments for classes Pre-Nursery to V and only two Evaluations
(details would be given along with the syllabus) will be conducted for
the students of classes I to V. Progress cards will be issued to the
students only at the end of the session.
Assessments (classes VI to VIII)
Unit tests : 20 marks
Other Assessments, Project work etc. :30 marks
Summative Assessments(classes VI to VIII) :100 marks
- Assessments/Unit Tests will neither be anticipated nor postponed. Any tampering with marks will be seriously dealt with. Students who are ill should not be sent to appear for Assessments/Unit Tests. Their results can be decided on the basis of their performance in class. However a medical certificate will have to be produced in such cases.
- Students found using any unfair means during Assessments/Unit Tests will be marked zero in that subject. No re-test will be held for such students and they will not be eligible for any academic award or school appointment
- The final result will be decided on the average grades obtained in the two terms.
- Results declared at the close of the year are final and will not be reconsidered.